How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off Leave a comment

How Loosing weight is the dream of many overweight individuals. It gets frustrating because sometimes the weight just won’t come off no matter what you do. That is what we call stubborn fat. “Could it be something you are doing? Could it be that you are not doing something well? Or could it be your eating habit?” you often wonder.

Nevertheless It is possible to lose weight fast, and we want that, don’t we? It seems going on restrictive diet is the deal today. But, what is the point of losing weight only to regain it? What is the point of losing weight and staying hungry, a sure way to relapse into the eating habit that got you overweight in the first place? Experts say the best way to lose weight and keep it off is by losing it slowly. They also say you can do so without punishing yourself in the name of ‘diet’.

Incorporate the following into your daily lifestyle and watch yourself slim down.

1. Never Miss Breakfast

In the bid to lose weight, the first thing we want to do is cut out food. It is normal to think food is the cause of your weight problems. Well, maybe it is, in a way. But, research has shown that those who skip breakfast end up eating for the rest of the day. And that those who eat breakfast have lower weight and perform better.

2. Don’t Eat in Between Meals

Create an eating timetable for yourself. That is, set time when you eat and keep your hands off your mouth at every other time. If you’re going snack, choose non-sugary, low-calorie snacks. Nuts are a great example of such. This is just how to loose weight

3. Don’t Eat Late at Night

Chose a time frame of when you’ll be eating and when you’ll stop eating. This will help you to fight the temptation of snacking uncontrollably late at night. If you’re hungry, drink water or have a cup of tea. Then brush your teeth after – you will be less likely to eat or drink anything after that.

Also Read: Being Fit Despite Being Overweight

4. Cut out Junks and Sodas

Junks and sugary drinks are rich sources of calories. While they make you feel good at the time you’re taking them, they do little to satisfy your hunger or thirst. You find yourself jumping from one junk to another. Keep a bottle of water close by so that the next time you’re tempted to reach for a soda, you can reach for the water instead.

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5. Eat More Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetable and fruits are known to keep one filled and control appetite. Eat a lot of low-calorie, high-volume fruits and vegetables; include a few servings at every meal and snack. It’ll keep you off those junks. This is just how to loose weight

6. Eat Less

Trim the portion of meal you take by at least 10%. If you’re eating at a restaurant, you can eat half and take the rest home.

7. Eat More Protein

Eating protein such as eggs, beans, nuts, lean meats, and so on, will keep you feeling full for a longer time and you’ll be less likely to eat more than you should.

Also Read: 6 Common Supplements: How and When to Take Them

8. Exercise regularly

Exercises help you burn fat and calories. However, take note that if you eat more than you burn, you are less likely to see any difference.

To make the weight loss easier, try out our appetite suppressants. They will keep you feeling less hungry and you’ll be less likely to overeat.

We recommend this awesome product for your weight loss needs.

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Also Read: How to get rid of belly fat

Article Credit: Afro Glamour Cosmetics

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